LGBTQ Parenting

Welcome to LGBTQ Parenting Connection!

We’d like to warmly welcome you to our blog, which is a safe space for anyone interested in the topic of LGBTQ parenting. This project was created out of passion by people wanting to share their knowledge and experiences with others. Here you’ll find informative posts about LGBTQ parenting, and its ups and downs. We focus mainly on Canada and the US, but you’ll also find important data and facts about other countries.

What to expect?

In the minds of many people, LGBTQ parenting is something controversial. Being a parent in a same-sex relationship means dealing with a lot of obstacles, involving prejudice, stigmatization, and, sometimes, hate and discrimination. There’s no denying that queer parents often have it harder than the straight ones.

LGBTQ Parenting Connection is meant to educate and dissipate some myths circulating around the topic of raising children in LGBTQ relationships. Here you’ll find not only plain data and statistics, but also useful tips and facts based on research. We invite everyone to read our blog, queer or not, as we’d like to raise awareness of LGBTQ people’s struggles.

LGBTQ parenting in general

Parenting in itself is difficult, but we know that being a parent or trying to become one in a relationship other than heterosexual comes with its own hardships. You often have to deal with the complicated process of adoption. On top of that, there is the day-to-day life, which sometimes involves other people voicing their opinions about you and your life.

We’d like to help other parents find their strength by sharing parenting tips and some informative pieces of data. After all, probably every LGBTQ parent knows what it’s like to deal with tons of myths and preconceptions about what it means to be a good parent (spoiler: LGBTQ parents are good parents, too).

History of LGBTQ parenting

Parenting in the LGBTQ community has a long history, though not everyone is aware of it. Ever since queer people started fighting for their rights, they’ve also been trying to express their desire to have families of their own. In our posts, we’d like to educate people about this history. After all, some people believe that LGBTQ parenting is just a modern-day whim, which is not the case.

Dealing with prejudice

As we mentioned before, there are many myths about LGBTQ parenting. Some people believe that homosexual parents only raise homosexual children as if sexual orientation is something that you learn in your childhood. Others think that a child needs both male and female role models to develop properly as if single parents haven’t existed for centuries.

These are prejudices that every member of the LGBTQ community knows. Nowadays, psychologists and other scientists are studying what it takes to raise a healthy, happy child. There are lots of scientific papers proving that LGBTQ parents are just as good as straight ones. We’d like to educate people, so many of our posts will try to bust some popular myths by fact-checking them.

Facts from all over the world

Although this blog focuses on LGBTQ parenting in America, it’s very important to know what the situation is like in other parts of the world. Being gay is still illegal in some places, not to mention adopting and raising children. Let’s not forget that there are queer people who not only face hate and discrimination but also have their lives threatened.

On top of that, we’d like to provide some data from other countries. How does the US compare to some European countries when it comes to LGBTQ rights, child adoption, and parenting? Read our posts to find out.

Last but not least

Once again, we welcome you to our blog. Feel free to engage with the content and share it with others. We hope you find yourself in a safe, friendly online environment full of like-minded people, where you can learn and expand your horizons.